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Check out our Class Schedule

Real Fitness Offers A Wide Variety of Classes Per Week During Peak Periods.
As always, these classes are included in your membership fees. View Current Schedule below, in the blue area, to check on the full listing of classes. To view a description of and details about a class, click on “the name of the class” in that view. Real Health and Fitness is committed to offering a wide array of Group Exercise Classes to meet the diverse interests and fitness needs of our members. All of our Group Exercise Classes are included in your membership.Class Schedule
All of our classes are designed for different levels of challenge and fitness experience. These classes range from chair based yoga and the popular senior level classes for functional fitness to HITT based challenging classes. Our classes are designed for all age groups to participate and maintain sound fitness principals for your safety. At Real Fitness our class schedule is determined by our current memberships needs and demands. We are flexible enough to change our schedule to meet your needs providing we have other members willing to join you is a class that is not currently on our schedule. Simply talk to our fitness coordinator and discuss your needs.
Check out our Class Schedule
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