Cycle, Core and TRX
Great Exercise Class
Cycle, Core and TRX Class is a fusion class that provides a full body workout. “Fusing” or combining different exercise modalities creates an efficient and effective method of addressing cardio, strength, core stability, joint mobility and overall flexibility. GET IN ON THE ACTION AND DERIVE THE BENEFITS!
Why Cycling?
Indoor Cycling helps you shed fat, improve your heart health, and boost your muscle endurance. Your legs will get a serious workout. After cycling, you’ll have a steady stream of feel-good brain chemicals called endorphins making you feel glad you joined in on this class with your friends.
Strength, Toning and Burning Calories
TRX delivers a fast, effective total-body workout. TRX which stands for Total Body Resistance Exercise, is a revolutionary workout method that uses your body weight and gravity as resistance to build strength, balance, coordination, flexibility, core and joint stability.
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